(from this point on, l is the workflow object id)
> (if you need to fill out the alias set info, you can do it now)
> execute,c,l
> addpackage,c,l,...... (fill in your parameters. Please refer to the server manual. You have to make one addpackage call for each start activity and package)
To start a workflow using APIs, log into the docbase using iapi or iapi32 on NT. Type the following commands at the API> prompt:
retrieve,c,dm_process where object_name = '
(workflow template id will be returned)
(workflow id will be returned)
(at the SET prompt enter the id of the workflow template)
(OK should be returned)
(OK should be returned)
addpackage,c,l,Activity,Input:0,Pack age0,dm_document,,,(dmi_package_item id returned)
The 'l' listed above is a lower case L. It's an alias that means to use the last object_id returned.
This can also be done from the Interactive Message Tester in the Desktop Client or from Documentum Administrator